Fourleaf Labs
Lance & Deon Hughey
W2137 Davis Creek Rd
Mindoro, WI 54644
(608) 386-9762 or email
***PLEASE NOTE: All information and images contained herein are the property of
FOURLEAF LABS and Lance & Deon Hughey and may not be reproduced or used without consent.***
Fourleaf Labs
It’s not just luck!
FC Red Cedar’s Wide Receiver (“Driver”)
Rock Solid’s Bluehill Prowler (“Zoe”)
SIRE: FC Red Cedar’s Wide Receiver “Driver”
NAFC FC Fourleaf’s Ice Breaker x FC Candlewood’s Rammin’ Catcher
Hips Good - OFA LR-206547G36M-VPI
Elbows Normal - OFA LREL61325M36-VPI
Eyes Clear
EIC Clear
CNM Clear
DAM: Rock Solid’s Bluehill Prowler (“Zoe”)
Rock Solid Jail Break, MH, QAA x Fourleaf’s Ms. B Havin’
Hips Excellent
Elbows Normal
Eyes Clear
EIC Clear
CNM Clear
The sire, Driver, is a Field Champion, he has an Amateur win and needs a few points for his Amateur Field Champion Title. Driver is the son of 2010 NAFC FC Fourleaf’s Ice Breaker and FC Candlewood’s Rammin Catcher. Driver is a good sized male weighing around 85 lbs. He is tall, muscular and structurally sound. Driver displays excellent marking, focus and drive. He is easy to run and very compliant. He has a big heart and is playful as a puppy. He has been trained and competed by Fox Hollow kennels.
The pups’ mom, Zoe, is a hunting dog extraodinaire. She loves chasing pheasants and ducks. She is a full time house and family dog, having a couple of young children to make sure she gets plenty of love and activity. She also is out of great lines. Her sire, Chance, is Qualified All Age and a Master Hunter. Her mom, Fourleaf’s Ms B Havin’, Rascal, one of our pups, is a product of NAFC Buster and Gabby QA2. Zoe is a great mom with a great temperament. We certainly expect her pups to have her great loving attitude.